On Saturday, Feb. 17, 2007, the members of Daniel Stark Injury Lawyers held a child safety seat check in conjunction with the Texas Cooperative Extension in Bryan, Texas. During the event, certified technicians inspected child safety seats and taught parents and caregivers how to properly install these seats in their vehicles. Additionally, a child safety seat was given away each hour of the event.
“We had cars lined up at 7:45 that morning and they waited until 10 a.m. to get their car seats checked,” said Danny Daniel, Co-Founder of Daniel Stark. “We had a line all day, and we finally had to start giving people information and letting them know where they could go to set up appointments to get their seats checked. We’ve already committed to doing the event again next year. Each year, thousands of children are killed or injured in automobile accidents due to improper restraint, and we feel it is our responsibility to help inform the public on how to make sure their children are buckled in properly.”
The Results Are In…
A total of 48 inspections were completed, but only one child was found to be correctly restrained in the child safety seat. Additionally, 22 replacement seats were distributed and 15 old or unsafe seats were collected during the event. According to research from the Children’s Safety Network Economics and the Data Analysis Resource Center, the proper use of child safety seats reduces the risk of injury and death, which leads to reduced medical costs, avoidance of lost future earnings, and improved quality of life.
“I want to thank [Daniel Stark] for partnering with Passenger Safety on a very successful event,” said Bev Kellner, Program Coordinator of Passenger Safety for the Texas Cooperative Extension. “Their hard work and generosity to the community paid off with the event being well attended. The enthusiasm of their volunteers was wonderful.”