Accurate record-keeping is vital when it comes to proving the impact of an injury on your life. Not only does it aid in your recovery, but good records can also play a significant role in any potential legal claims that may arise from a catastrophic incident.  

Whether it’s a car collision or another personal injury, proper documentation helps hold the responsible person accountable when you’ve suffered an injury caused by negligence.  

To strengthen your claim and obtain the full value of your case, here’s how you can keep detailed records to prove the harm you suffered. 

Why do you need to keep detailed records after an injury?

Keeping records after suffering an injury is essential for several reasons: 

  1. Aiding in Medical Treatment: Properly documenting your injuries aids in accurate medical diagnosis, resulting in a faster and more effective recovery. 
  2. Demonstrating Severity: Accurate documentation of your injuries and medical care helps show how severe your injuries are. This objective evidence can support your claim and allow you to recover for medical expenses, pain and suffering, and loss of quality of life.
  3. Insurance Claims Processing: Detailed injury documentation is crucial for insurance companies to process claims. Without proper records, you may not receive the full value you deserve. Accurate expense documentation also makes it difficult for insurance companies to offer low settlements. 
  4. Establishing Causation and Liability: Detailed documentation and records of the incident make it difficult for the other party to deny their involvement in your injuries. This aids insurance companies and attorneys in determining who was at fault. 

By keeping these factors in mind and maintaining proper record-keeping, you can significantly strengthen your case. 

What types of records should you maintain for your claim?

Here are the key records and types of documentation you should keep during your pending personal injury case

  1. Written Record: We recommend writing down everything you remember about the incident. For example, document the details of your injuries, including the date, time, location, and description of a car crash. Include any symptoms and how they affect your daily life
  2. Photos: Take clear, high-quality photos of your injuries to show their severity. 
  3. Medical Records: Keep all paperwork from assessments, treatments, surgeries, medications, physical therapy appointments, and other medical visits. Request copies of all important documentation from your healthcare providers. 
  4. Employment and Income Records: Gather evidence of past employment and any potential income loss resulting from your injury. 
  5. Conversations: Make notes of any conversations related to your injury or claim, including dates, times, involved parties, and content discussed. For example, document all communication with insurance parties, such as phone calls, emails, and letters. 
  6. Police Report: Request a police report following a car crash, as it will often contain important details and facts about the collision and who was at fault. 
  7. Additional Expenses: Log and keep receipts for any other injury-related expenses, such as transportation fees and property damage repair records. 

Remember to keep these records until your case is concluded and you receive the full value of your injury. 

How can an attorney help you maintain good records?

Proper documentation is essential for proving the losses, damages, and the impact of an injury on your life.  

With the assistance of a qualified personal injury attorney, you can ensure that all necessary evidence is gathered and organized to support your case. From properly documenting your injuries to reviewing medical records, witness statements, and other relevant information, an experienced attorney will assess the strength of your claim.  

By working together, an experienced attorney can help you build a strong case and get your life back to normal