Personal injury cases have two sides: the plaintiff and defendant. As personal injury lawyers, we represent the plaintiff, usually an accident victim whose injuries were caused by someone else’s negligence. The official defendant on the docket is the other driver or person responsible for your injuries, but the true opponent is the insurance company representing that defendant.

You might be surprised to know that we are seldom forced to file a lawsuit at all. When it does happens, it’s usually an indicator that the insurance company would not agree to pay what we consider a fair settlement. What is a fair settlement? It’s one that won’t leave you and your family in financial peril 6 months down the road. It’s one that compensates you not only for your current medical expenses, but your continued medical treatment throughout your recovery. It’s one that takes into consideration your lost wages, any long-term physical conditions, and the pain and suffering you endured along the way.

At Daniel Stark, we want to get you maximum compensation for your injuries as quickly as we can. We know the strain this accident is putting on you and your family, and we consider it our responsibility to alleviate that strain in a timely manner. We’ll do our best to negotiate with the insurance company to make that happen. If they refuse to play fair, we’re not afraid to take them to court.