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Blog Category: Dog Bite

Read the Latest Information, Articles, & Resources to Support You on Your Road to Recovery

3 Mistakes to Avoid After a Dog Bite 

A dog bite can be scary for everyone involved – you, the dog owner, and yes… even the dog! A situation like this can raise a lot of concern.  Will the dog’s owner pay your medical bills? Is your wound going to get infected? Did the dog have updated vaccines? Should you hire a dog

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What You Need to Know About Dog Bite Lawsuits

Dogs are cherished in many homes in the United States, with over 65 million households owning at least one dog. However, some dogs can be unpredictable, and their bites can be dangerous.  4.5 million people are bitten by dogs every year in the U.S., with 800,000 of those bites requiring medical attention.  Dog bites can range from

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Dog Bite Image

A dog bit my child. What should I do?

Dogs are man’s best friend – usually. However, sometimes dogs and children don’t mix well. Maybe a child didn’t understand that a dog didn’t want to be bothered. Perhaps they accidentally touched the dog near its eye or other sensitive areas. Or maybe the dog simply attacked without being provoked. No matter why it happened,

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