Cory Smith is an esteemed attorney who brings a wealth of professional accomplishments to his role. Notably, he has successfully argued the only spider bite case to reach Texas’ Supreme Court, showcasing his expertise and tenacity in the field. With a relentless drive to fight for justice on behalf of his clients, Cory’s selfless dedication is a driving force in his legal career. 

Beyond the courtroom, Cory maintains a diverse range of personal interests. From sushi to his love for golf, hiking in Big Bend, and engaging in spirited ping pong matches, he embraces life’s various pleasures. These pursuits provide him with a well-rounded perspective, allowing him to approach his work with a fresh and dynamic mindset. 

Cory’s favorite DS core value is “Arms Out Thumbs Up” which represents fostering an atmosphere of inclusivity, collaboration, and understanding. By assuming the best of others, Cory cultivates an environment conducive to teamwork, empathy, and effective advocacy.